
Birdwatching in Maioka Koen (January 23, 2011)

Weather was bit cloudy but fortunately not windy.  As I heard Solitary Snipe has been seen in the park, I decided to visit there shortly. According to local birdwatchers, it has not been seen yet this year.  While I was in the park, I enjoyed watching Black-faced Bunting (very tame), Water Rail, Woodcock and Siskin. There have been three woodcocks, though only one was seen during my one hour stay.

Highlight of the day was fighting match between Brown-headed Thrush and Dusky Thrush.  They were fighting each other at least three times.  Finally, Brown-headed Thrush won.  The poor Dusky Thrush was even attacked by a Pale Thrush later.

1st round: they seem to be ready...

Brown-headed Thrush attacks!

kicking each other

short break between 1st and 2nd round

2nd round: Dusky Thrush's attack

3rd round

3rd round: Brown-headed Thrush pins Dusky Thrush

3rd round: Brown-headed Thrush pins Dusky Thrush

3rd round: Brown-headed Thrush pins Dusky Thrush

3rd round: Brown-headed Thrush nearly kicks Dusky Thrush

the poor Dusky Thrush

Pale Thrush (male)

Daurian Redstart (female)

Brown-eared Bulbul drinks water

Black-faced Bunting (pair)

Black-faced Bunting (female)

Black-faced Bunting (female)

Black-faced Bunting (female)


Water Rail

Water Rail


Birdwatching in downtown Tokyo (January 21, 2011)

Can you believe all photos below were taken in Tokyo metropolitan area!

Certainly, I'm satisfied with photographing Orange-flanked Bush-Robin and Grey Bunting.  However, I was bit worrying about by products of artificial feeding of birds.  Photographers in Japan often feed birds artificially.  Both Orange-flanked Bush-Robin and Grey Bunting are so tame due to the feeding.  It's so a good opportunity to see Grey Bunting very well as it is generally very shy and secretive.  But, too much feeding may change behaviour of birds....

Orange-flanked Bush-Robin

Orange-flanked Bush-Robin

Orange-flanked Bush-Robin

Orange-flanked Bush-Robin

Orange-flanked Bush-Robin

Orange-flanked Bush-Robin
Orange-flanked Bush-Robin

Orange-flanked Bush-Robin

Orange-flanked Bush-Robin

Orange-flanked Bush-Robin (female?)

Varied Tit

Japanese Bush-Warbler

Japanese Bush-Warbler

Grey Bunting (male immature)

Grey Bunting (female)

Grey Bunting (male)

Grey Bunting (male immature)

Grey Bunting (male)

Grey Bunting (male)

Grey Bunting (male)

Grey Bunting (male)

Smew (male) & Tufted Ducks

Smew (male) & Tufted Ducks

Little Grebe


Birdwatching in Samukawa Town (January 16, 2011)

Before attending a meeting, I visited a small park, nearby Miyayama station, Samukawa Town.  My target was Long-eared Owl, what I missed a few weeks ago.  It's so strange to see a group of Long-eared Owl (totally seven) was roosting in a camphor tree in such a small children's playground.  The owls didn't wake up unless an owl was preening shortly. 

Long-eared Owl, after preening

Looks smiling...

then, sleeping again likely a rugby ball


Birdwatching in Oike Koen (January 9, 2011)

Very cold in the morning but warm and beautiful sunny day.  I visited Oike-koen park, where I was able to see Orange-flanked Bush Robin last week.  Highlight of the day was White's Thrush.  According to local birdwatchers, it has been seen since last week.  A male Orange-flanked Bush-Robin was not so friendly today, though a female was able to see very well.

Observed Species

1. Little Grebe  2. Spot-billed Duck 3. Tufted Duck 4. Oriental Turtle-Dove 5. Common Kingfisher 6. Japanese Woodpecker (call) 7. Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker 8. Brown-eared Bulbul 9. Orange-flanked Bush Robin (male 1, female 1) 10. Dusky Thrush 11. Pale Thrush 12. White's Thrush 1 13. Japanese Bush-Warbler 14. Long-tailed Tit 15. Varied Tit 16. Great Tit 17. Japanese White-eye 18. Black-faced Bunting 19. Tree Sparrow 20. Jay 21. Carrion Crow 22. Large-billed Crow 23. Chinese Bamboo Partridge 24. Siskin

Great Tit

White's Thrush

Pale Thrush (female) & Dusky Thrush (male)

Pale Thrush (male)

Pale Thrush (male)

Chinese Bamboo Partridge

Common Kingfisher
Orange-flanked Bush-Robin (female)