Showing posts with label Moorhen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moorhen. Show all posts


Birdwatching in Maioka Koen (January 27, 2018)

Just common birds only.  However, a very good day for photographing birds with snow.

Common Snipe

Common Snipe

Common Snipe

Common Snipe

Common Snipe

Common Snipe

Common Snipe
Common Moorhen (immature)
Oriental Turtle Dove

Daurian Redstart (female)
Dusky Thrush (male)

Dusky Thrush (male)

Dusky Thrush (male)

White Wagtail

White Wagtail

White Wagtail

White Wagtail
Japanese White-eye

Japanese White-eye

Japanese White-eye

Japanese White-eye
Rustic Bunting

Rustic Bunting

Rustic Bunting


Birdwatching in Osaka (28 December 2014)

Other birds seen but not photographed include Daurian Redstart, Black-faced Bunting and Grey Bunting.

Baer's Pochard (male)

Baer's Pochard (male)

Baer's Pochard (male)

Baer's Pochard (male)

Baer's Pochard (male)

Baer's Pochard (male)

Baer's Pochard (male)

Baer's Pochard (male)

Baer's Pochard (male)

Baer's Pochard (male)
Dusky Thrush

Eurasian Spoonbill

Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker

Falcated Teal

Falcated Teal

Northern Pintail (male)

Eurasian Wigeon (male)

Falcated Teal (male)

