Showing posts with label Little Grebe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Little Grebe. Show all posts


Birdwatching in Yakushi Ike, Tokyo (March 3, 2018)

Two rare ducks, Ferruginous and Ring-necked Ducks, were somehow seen together!

Ferruginous & Ring-necked Duck + Common Pochard

Ferruginous & Ring-necked Duck + Common Pochard

Ferruginous Duck and Common Pochard

Ferruginous Duck (male)

Ferruginous Duck (male)

Ferruginous Duck (male)

Ferruginous Duck (male)

Ferruginous Duck (male)

Ferruginous Duck (male)

Ferruginous Duck (male)

Ferruginous Duck (male)

Ferruginous Duck (male)

Ferruginous Duck (male)

Ferruginous Duck (male)

Ferruginous Duck (male)

Ferruginous Duck (male)

Ferruginous Duck (male)
Ring-necked Duck (female)

Ring-necked Duck (female)

Ring-necked Duck (female)

Ring-necked Duck (female)

Ring-necked Duck (female)

Ring-necked Duck (female)

Ring-necked Duck (female)
Little Grebe

Little Grebe

Little Grebe

Little Grebe


Birdwatching in downtown Tokyo (January 21, 2011)

Can you believe all photos below were taken in Tokyo metropolitan area!

Certainly, I'm satisfied with photographing Orange-flanked Bush-Robin and Grey Bunting.  However, I was bit worrying about by products of artificial feeding of birds.  Photographers in Japan often feed birds artificially.  Both Orange-flanked Bush-Robin and Grey Bunting are so tame due to the feeding.  It's so a good opportunity to see Grey Bunting very well as it is generally very shy and secretive.  But, too much feeding may change behaviour of birds....

Orange-flanked Bush-Robin

Orange-flanked Bush-Robin

Orange-flanked Bush-Robin

Orange-flanked Bush-Robin

Orange-flanked Bush-Robin

Orange-flanked Bush-Robin
Orange-flanked Bush-Robin

Orange-flanked Bush-Robin

Orange-flanked Bush-Robin

Orange-flanked Bush-Robin (female?)

Varied Tit

Japanese Bush-Warbler

Japanese Bush-Warbler

Grey Bunting (male immature)

Grey Bunting (female)

Grey Bunting (male)

Grey Bunting (male immature)

Grey Bunting (male)

Grey Bunting (male)

Grey Bunting (male)

Grey Bunting (male)

Smew (male) & Tufted Ducks

Smew (male) & Tufted Ducks

Little Grebe