
Birdwatching in Doi Inthanon & Chiang Mai (12-13, March, 2012) 2

orchid sp.

Ashy-throated Warbler

Ashy-throated Warbler

Slaty-backed Flycatcher (male)

Slaty-backed Flycatcher (male)

nest of Grey-throated Babbler

nest & egg of Hodgson's Frogmouth

Dark-sided Thrush

Asian Stubtail

Dark-sided Thrush

Dark-sided Thrush

Dark-sided Thrush

Golden-throated Barbet

Golden-throated Barbet

Golden-throated Barbet

Black-tailed Crake

Black-tailed Crake

Black-tailed Crake

Black-tailed Crake

Black-tailed Crake

Blue-throated Flycatcher (male)

Blue-throated Flycatcher (male)

Blue-throated Flycatcher (male)

Blue-throated Flycatcher (male)

Blue-throated Flycatcher (male)

Blue-throated Flycatcher (male)


  1. Wow the nest of Hodgson's Frogmouth! That's a really difficult species to find. Where did you see the nest?

    You're also really lucky to see the Black-tailed Crake family! What a nice trip you had.

  2. Hi, Ayuwat. Thank you for your comments. The nest was found in Doi Inthanon N.P. in coniferous forest. Unfortunately, I don't know how to tell the location. My guide says he saw the frogmouth is still there with two eggs.
